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What is Programmatic Guaranteed?

What is Programmatic Guaranteed?

Ad tech companies continuously innovate and new terms appear almost every day

Smart AdServer, the “Smart” alternative to AdJuggler

Smart AdServer, the “Smart” alternative to AdJuggler

In case you haven’t been in the loop, AdJuggler has recently been having some sustainability issues

Adieu to the Flash legacy

Adieu to the Flash legacy

Flash has been around for what feels like forever. In some ways the Flash creative standard has been simple

Made with all natural ingredients - 7UP

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typeset industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard.

Sponsor: 7UP
Smoothly transition from Flash to HTML5 creatives

Smoothly transition from Flash to HTML5 creatives

The recent news about Flash and the future behavior of the two most popular browsers, Firefox and Chrome, has rais

Mobile Deals already generate 40% of publishers’ mobile programmatic revenue

Mobile Deals already generate 40% of publishers’ mobile programmatic revenue

Mobile Deals have driven the growth of mobile programmatic revenues in 1H 2015 & already generate 40% of publishers’ mobile programmatic

New Smart AdServer iOS and Android SDKs 6.0

New Smart AdServer iOS and Android SDKs 6.0

We are happy to announce the release of our new iOS and Android SDKs versions 6.0. These new versions of Smart AdServer SDKs